We believe athletes of all ages and abilities should have a place to play and grow. Whether you’re looking to introduce your child to a particular sport, or your kid is a repeat player, Carrollton Parks and Recreation has an option for them. Our recreational programs are designed to teach the fundamentals of each sport, introduce and refine skills and learn the importance of being a team player. Sports offered vary by season and many even offer adult classes and leagues!
We also believe participating in athletics should be affordable, so we keep our prices reasonable and we don’t require a lot of travel. Most games are played locally within the west Georgia area.
Want to coach? We are always looking for volunteers to help with each sport.
Spring Sports:
Baseball, Volleyball, Track, Soccer, Softball
Fall Sports:
Football, Baseball, Cross Country, Volleyball, Soccer, Basketball
Register for an upcoming sport online or by calling 770-832-1161
John Layng
Parks & Recreation Director
Ora Chism
Athletic & Aquatics Superintendent
Monica Craig
Athletic Coordinator
Athletic Coordinator
Caryn Scheufler
Athletic Coordinator
Tray Thomas
Athletic Assistant