Parks, Facilities and Public Grounds Level of Service Plan

Parks and Recreation parks, facilities and grounds maintenance work is assigned to a class (A, B or C) based on the needed frequency of each task.

Grounds Maintenance 

 Class A Class B Class C 
Task Frequency Frequency Frequency 
General Maintenance As Needed As Needed As Needed 
Mow/Trim/ Blow 1x Weekly Every 10 days 1-2x Year 
Overseed As Needed As Needed As Needed 
Weed Control 1x Monthly/As Needed Monthly/As Needed Monthly/As Needed 
Shrub/Tree Trimming As Needed As Needed As Needed  
Litter Pickup/Trash Bins/Restroom & Pavilion Maintenance Daily Daily Daily 
Edge As Needed As Needed As Needed 
Leaf Clean-Up 2x Yearly/As Needed 2x Year/As Needed 1x Year 
Mulch Shrub Beds Bi-Annually/As needed Annually/As needed Not Applicable 
Graffiti Removal As Needed As Needed  As Needed 


Plant Annuals 2x Year 
Mulch 2x Yearly/As Needed 
Pull Weeds from Beds 1x Weekly/As Needed 
Prune and Deadhead Flowers 1x Weekly 
Edge Beds 2x Yearly 
Cut Back Ornamental Grasses 1x Yearly 
Watering (Hand Watering) As Needed 
Water Fountain Maintenance 1x Monthly 


Inspect and Document Weekly 
Major Annual Inspection Annually 
Repair As needed 
Clean and Pickup Trash Daily 
Remove Graffiti As Needed 
Rake Mulch Weekly 
Supplementing Fiber Mulch Annually 
Inspect for Pests, Bees, Etc. Weekly 


All facilities are cleaned Monday – Friday, year round. High-use restrooms and areas will be cleaned Saturday and Sunday as much as possible. Repairs and maintenance are done as needed. We perform a general inspection monthly and an annual inspection of renovations and repairs.

Downtown/Adamson Square

Pickup Litter/Trash Receptacles Daily 
Mow/Trim/Blow 1x Weekly 
Weed Control 1x Monthly/As Needed 
Edge  As Needed 
Leaf Clean-up  As Needed 
Mulch Shrub beds Bi-Annually/As Needed 

Class A Parks

Our Beloved Park City Hall Park Amphitheatre Park 
Alice Park Lake Carroll Park Lakeshore Park 
Castle Playground East Carrollton Park  Skate Park 
Safari Park/WPA Building Laura’s Park Log Cabin Park 
Hobbs Farm Trailhead 4th Street Park Legends Park 
Knox Park Midtown Water Park  

Class A Non-Park Areas

Train Depot Center for the Arts Greenspace @ La Trattoria 
Fire Station 24 Fire Station 23 Fire Station 22
Park & Ride NE Training Center Stallings Building 
Senior Center & Bonner Building City Hall Parking Lot Greenspace @ Hwy 27 & Alabama St 

Class B Parks

Smith Park  Grace Park  Worthy Park 
Optimus Park Longview Park  Shay Hill Park 
Memorial Park Kramer Park Presbyterian Park 
Hobb’s Farm Disc Golf Oil Park Burson Park 
Triangle Park   

Class B Non-Park Areas

GreenBelt Bankhead/166 Bypass Intersection Corners Old Newnan Rd Trailhead 
GBI Greenspace @ Rome St  Re-Entry Coalition 
Fire Station 22 Alabama St Trailhead Rape Crisis Center 
Beauty Strips @ South & Maple   

Class C Parks*

Hobbs Farm Field  

Class C Non-Park Areas*

Median on Hwy 27 from South St to Central High Road On/Off Exits @ Hwy 27 & Bypass 
Greenspace @ Maple St  

*Some areas will be serviced more frequently as required.